Christmas donation 2022
Our Christmas donation 2022 was given to "Haus der Barmherzigkeit" and “Leukämiehilfe Österreich”.
The "Haus der Barmherzigkeit" offers long-term care with quality of life to people in need of care. Geriatric residents are cared for in nursing hospitals and homes in Vienna and Lower Austria. In addition, they accompany people with complex disabilities of different ages in adult flat-sharing communities, kids' flat-sharing communities, housing associations, basal day centers and in mobile support. In addition to the best possible care and medical care, particular value is placed on a self-determined and varied everyday life.
The association "Geben für Leben – Leukämiehilfe Österreich" is a non-profit association. Matching stem cell donors are sought for leukemia patients and patients suffering from a blood disease in order to ensure that these people have the best possible chance of survival. A standardization (determining the DNA and importing it into the worldwide database) costs the association € 40 and is financed exclusively by monetary donations. More than 100,000 people have already been typed and around 300 "lifesavers" (genetic twins) have been found.