SONN Patentanwälte – IP Attorneys

Second Edition of our book "Patentwissen leicht gemacht – Wer schützt Daniel Düsentrieb?"("Patent knowledge – the easy way! Who protects Gyro Gearloose?")

We are very glad to announce that shortly after the first edition (1997) our publisher (Ueberreuter Wirtschaftsverlag) has asked us to provide a second, extended edition of our book. As the first edition, this book provides an introduction to patent law for people who have to deal with patents but do not have to be patent specialists (managers of technology driven enterprises, industry and university scientists, technology analysts, etc.). We have been quite surprised, how the tedious transfer of patent knowledge (which is, however, spiced in our book with selected presentations of historical patents which provided the basis of world-wide enterprises) has been accepted by our readers.

Since the present book is written in German, we are currently working on an English version of this book, which will be available in the near future. If you should be interested in this English version, please let us know by contacting us at »