SONN Patentanwälte – IP Attorneys

New tariff 2012

2011 was the year of global financial crisis and recession and, sad to say, many expect for 2012 this situation to go even worse, with what in the Internet is called Financial Crisis 2.0 looming over the horizon.

While we at Sonn & Partner see this situation not as gloomy, we nevertheless recognise the reality as well as our obligation to maintain the same level of quality of service to our clients. Due to the difficult economical situation, which also affects IP, we are constantly working on improvements of our work load management and try to find ways of savings on costs without affecting safety, efficiency and speed of response.

We are proud to say that also in 2011 we were able to run our office in a very efficient manner, not at the expense of our highly trained and experienced staff members, but by constantly scanning, analysing and improving our mode of operation.

Our efforts were rewarded by "another year at the top of the tree in both patents and trademarks" as MIP put it in their yearly ranking of the leading firms practicing intellectual property in each country.

We trust that our improvements and their effects will also extend to the coming years and would like to reflect this in our schedule of charges for 2012, which remains unamended from the current year.