SONN Patentanwälte – IP Attorneys

New commentary on the EC Counterfeiting Regulation

The well-known English publishing house OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS has recently published the comprehensive and practical guide on the so called EC Counterfeiting Regulation » "ENFORCEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS".

The book does not only include a discussion of the phenomena of counterfeiting and piracy by University Professors, but deals, in detail, with the EC Counterfeiting Regulation (Council Regulation (EC) No. 1383/2003 of 22 July 2003 concerning customs action against goods suspected of infringing certain intellectual property rights and the measures to be taken against goods found to have infringed such rights) and its implementation.

The book is special, however, in that it provides key information on border measures for all of the 25 Member States of the European Community in a reader-friendly way, with emphasis on national legislation and case law in the individual countries.

We are pleased that the Austrian contribution to this book has been written by our Partner » DI Helmut Sonn.

Please note that the article » Fight against Counterfeiting and the (Austrian) » Law on Counterfeiting on this website and » Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights through Border Measures deal with the same topic.